Building Accessible Web Apps with ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and Calcite

Presented at the 2025 Esri Developer Summit by Kelly Hutchins and Kitty Hurley on Wednesday, March 12, 2024 in Palm Springs, California.


  1. Map Description and Live Regions
    • Provide context to when the map has loaded and include a description when the map is in focus to further WCAG’s 1.3.1: Info and Relationships Success Criterion.
  2. Expand Component Focus Trap Disabled
  3. Consistent Focus
  4. High Contrast
    • Explore contrast with your data, altering the basemap and layer effects to support the map’s purpose when a user has enabled high contrast on their operating system, also supporting WCAG’s 1.4.3: Contrast Minimum Success Criterion.
  5. Reduced Motion
    • Support reduced motion when a user has enabled reduced motion, or disabled animations on their operating system, also supporting WCAG’s 2.3.3: Animation from Interactions Success Criterion.
